Link Website: Crazy Sunshine Website Link Description: Crazy Sunshine stars an egotistical devil, an idiotic angel, a chain-smoking bodyguard and a 9-year-old scientist on a mission to make you laugh. Link Type: Comic Frequency: Weekly Content Rating: PG-13 Comic Type: Funny Manga Surreal 1827 reads

Link Website: Cross Hare Web Page Link Description: Cross Hare is living out his dream of being a hard boiled detective. He’s still a small rabbit in the big city, and his cases are few and far between. He works as a handyman in an apartment building where he lives rent-free as long as he

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Link Website: Dog eat Doug Page Link Description: The adventures of Doug and his Dog Link Type: Comic Frequency: Daily Content Rating: G Comic Type: Funny Serial 1580 reads

Link Website: Awkward Zombie Link Description: Do you like video games? Do you like comics? Awkward Zombie. Link Type: Comic Frequency: Weekly Content Rating: PG-13 Comic Type: Funny Oddball Quirky 1931 reads